
Showing posts from April, 2007

and now for part two....

Thoughts on Isaiah 4 Starting off with “In that day” and how the filth of the land is shown, how the nation is in disgrace and continues in their sin – how women debase themselves to “take away [their] disgrace”. Isn’t it true how we often prostitute ourselves to things, because we want them to take away our iniquity. Instead there is only one answer…. Found just in the next verse – “in that day” gives a complete different picture of the beauty of the Lord’s chosen one. The one question that arises is, whether it’s the same day, the same time, or a contrast to the previous time? The contrast certainly is there, since “the Lord will wash away the filth of the women of Zion ” and will restore her by judgment, and cleanse her by fire. Whether it’s the same day, I cannot make out. There is a “contradiction” for you: cleansing by fire and water at the same time – a washing and a judgment. Even in revelation, the final judgment will be by fire. How and what that fire is, I don’t kn

Thoughts from Isaiah

Thoughts on Isaiah 61: 4-11 Compare the passage to Isaiah 1:7+8, 28-31 I have come across the following opposites: Isaiah 1:7 states that at the moment of writing, the country is desolate and that the cities are burning. The fields are stripped by foreigners and laid waste. Yet the promise come to Isaiah that good new is at hand that the mourning will be comforted and everything restores to its previous glory. These mourners will rebuild the ruins and restore the devastated places. The vineyards and flocks will be tended and shepherded by foreigners. It is amazing how the destructive force of the foreign people will be turned into a servant of Israel . Instead of breaking down, they will have to help rebuild and restore. Isaiah 1: 29 Israel is reprimanded for the “sacred oaks” which have become idols and therefore the curse was that they themselves would be a thirsting oak “with fading leaves, like a garden without water”. In Isaiah 61:3b, the people will be “called