
I got new glasses
I had my Christmas Prezzies from my mommy framed :)

 Yes, the first one is lower - hook issues ;) They are also quite close togehter, because the existing hooks were for another series altogether. Here they are again, one by one and a close-up from each

THANK YOU, MOMMY. Love you lots and lots


CaTT Trim said…
Beautiful. Did your mum sew them?
When I read the summery in my reader it sounded like the glasses were the frames for your Christmas presents, which made me laugh cause surely they frame part of your original Birthday present, and I didn't think you'd go for cosmetic eye surgery which was the only thing I could think of that would make them new presents ;-)
angelindisguise said…
Hey Cathy - yes, Mommy made them - not sewn though, but embroidered in cross stitch.

nice to have you rread my bloggedy blog :)

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