
Showing posts from August, 2008

Renting is the way to go!

Anyone who ever thought that buying a house is an investment, needs to do the maths. Now, for those of you who are not good with that sort of thing, the maths has been done for you here . You need to register or log in to see the article (it's for free). I will be renting from now on.


It has been quite challenging to think about the painting I'm planning. Apart from the theme (Armageddon) to find the correct poses and armour proves to be more challenging than I thought. Why pick this particular theme? Well, a few years ago I heard a song in a church service called "Your Bride is an Army". It somehow struck a chord in me (pardon the pun). To this day the words echo in my mind - there was not much more to it than that, but it seems the Holy Spirit wanted to open my mind to something more, for which I seem to be ready now. Maybe it is that in the past few months the urgency of the gospel has touched me. There is so much warning and so much preparation in the Bible for that day, that we need to take the warnings seriously and start fighting the fight that God has prepared us for and that we need to anticipate. We need to become the Army that will engage in battle. We are so complacent in the here and now that the thought of battle and war does not affect o

New month, new look

I decided it was time to change the look of the blog. I stared into the green truncated squares a little too long. Hope you guys like it. There have been many developments in the past two months. For one, I passed my subject at UCT and so can continue with the next one. Registration took it's usual route, with the incompetence of staff members shining like the sun. Nevertheless they finally managed to register me. I also finished with the evening classes I was teaching and this time round the students were very cool. I'm thankful it's over. We moved offices (easier said than done). To move a fashion school is not for the faint-hearted. Needless to say, things will take longer than you think, even tough you might take this rule into account. (Thanks to Murphy's Law) I found a garage for my car in the complex. What a pleasure to not having to wipe the windscreen every morning and freezing my toes off, until the heating kicks in. This means I have a little bit of storage s