The journey continues: Part 10

The next heading was towards Calvinia, via Kenhardt.

On our way we bought the most amazing grapes at a farm stall and tasted some Brandy at "Die Mas van Kakamas". Their wines also seem to do very well, but we were only interested in the "strong stuff".

Aren't these just the most excisite parking spots ever??

Where you can pick the grapes right off, as you step out the car....

It seems to be the in-thing to convert historical houses to guesthouses everywhere these days, and Calvinia is no exception. One family has bought the oldest houses and we had the privilege to stay in one of them. Very roomy, very rustic and calm. Right opposite the Biggest Post Box in South Africa.

On our search for food...well, all I can say is: if you ever go to Calvinia (for whatever reason), eat at "Die Blou Naartjie"! With this wonderful collection, how can you not go wrong?

Again, it was a Friday, and we had to think ahead of the weekend. First night was amazing in this place.

After an extensive breakfast, we decided to stay another night.
We wanted to a bit of a hike and managed to find the nature reserve, but there were no indicated paths to follow. When you drive, all of a sudden the road turns into a 4 wheel drive affair and we had to get going on foot. In the distance we could see a few springbok but other than that, nothing, that is if you do not count the massive red grasshoppers. After two hours, we were back where we started. We then tried another route in the reserve, but all turned onto (hair raising) 4x4 trails.

We meet the humble cotton bush again

I just love the colours in this picture

After returning to the "dorpie" we bought some dinner (to make at home), but could nto find corriander in Calvinia. When we enquired about it, the lady did not even know what that was. Again I was reminded that small-town-folk do not like things they don't know. Sometimes tehy are just ignorant of the world around them. Being cut off from so many things does not help either....

After an afternoon nap and reading under the vines, we headed back into town, took some photos, between wedding guests, at the church and did a tour of the town. We tried to capture the sunset, but did not quite succeed in getting the pictures we wanted - like with a windmill in the foreground :)

I cannot resist all the "broekieslace" i.e. the Victorian decorations on all the houses. I have quite a collection.

In the evening we then made some quacamole and "pico de gallo". Yummy. Secret recepie available on request from Katja :)

On the Sunday then, the bells of every church reverberrated through the towm. I miss that sometimes, having had a church just a few houses away in Windhoek for years.

Our breakfast consisted of joghurt, grapes, nectarines and tea, because our coffee was finished.

We then headed out again. Bye-bye Calvinia.


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